Thank you so much for considering writing for Parent Allies.  We want to focus on all sorts of different families who are living child rights in their homes because we recognise that too often in this online parenting world there is an assumption that the audience is filled with middle class, cis, two parent, white families. This homogeneity fosters a deep lack of understanding.

Each month we want to focus on the voice of a family not very commonly portrayed in the respectful parenting world. What does upholding the rights of your disabled child look like? How is embodying body autonomy practiced in your indigienous community? What are the gifts or challenges of raising your transgender child respectfully? What do you as a gay mother wish other mothers knew about child rights in your community / home? How are Black mothers influencing the evolution of liberatory education? What values and practices in child rights are unique to your family?

And we pay. (See payment details below.)

You can read our Principles here

Can you tell us how one (or a couple) of these principles look in your family?

We are keen to hear your story, in your words, with your voice.

However, if you haven’t done much writing for the web, the following guidelines will make your piece impactful and shareable. Meaning more people might step into allyship with their kids via your words. YES. That’s what we want.

1- Stories are so powerful. Can you begin your article with a personal story? A story is like a gateway that people can walk through and have their minds open to some truth or insight. Keep your story short and simple whilst including the odd specific detail “Drinking a glass of milk” instead of “having a drink” as an example.

Please bear this in mind throughout your article, if you have a relevant story that can illustrate your point, please include it.

2- While it is quite nice to read a blog with a chatty tone try to avoid too many filler words and self-deprecation. “I kind of think” should be “I believe” or, at least, “I think” or just launch straight into your belief with confidence!  Have a look through your final piece and take out unnecessary phrases and words so that it reads as a clear and sharp piece.

3- Give examples where possible and use your natural verbal language. Instead of giving directions like “Always make sure to respect your child’s body”  – give examples from your own experience that illustrate how this value is practiced. For example, “Before I took Jim out of his car seat, I asked him if he’d like to walk or be carried.” When possible, use the natural language you would use in the moment. So much respectful parenting advice is written with a lot of impractical verbage. We’d like to provide a resource for parents that is realistic and can immediately become part of their parenting toolbox.


4- Keep one main point in each paragraph. Lead the paragraph with the point you want to make and then expand on it. If it is an important point it can definitely be two or three paragraphs. But making two or three points in one paragraph can be confusing.

5-  Have a final read through and make sure your points follow through in the most sensible way.  Make sure your most important tip is first and your second most important tip is last!

6- Always finish with a strong conclusive paragraph or sentence. It might be an encouragement or another story, but this is the close out that people leave on so try not to fizzle.


7-  Consider having several super punchy sentences that sum up your main point. These we can turn into memes for extra sharability. For example:

“We tend to only teach kids about consent once they are ready for the traditional Sex Ed talk in the teenage years; but the truth is that they begin to learn about consent many years early on, in fact, the moment they are born. Your teen begins learning about consent the moment they are born.”

8- Please include a two- or three sentence paragraph with your piece with links to your blog and facebook etc. And a photo of your/ your family.

We pay $75 for each 800-1200 word article we accept. (If we originally contacted you then your piece is already accepted.)

We will send you invoicing instructions once we’ve come to a mutual acceptance about your piece.

THANK YOU! We are so looking forward to your piece.

To submit your piece or for inquiries please get in touch with us on: